Medications, when necessary, can be of great help in tackling the most various problems, thus improving the quality of our life. But sometimes they can give adverse reactions, that is undesired harmful reactions, due to abuse, improper use, therapeutic errors or even to normal conditions of use. From today also users, patients, as well as health professionals, can send online a report of suspected adverse reaction to the site vigifarmaco.it. If you believe you have experienced an adverse drug reaction linked to the link or contact our pharmacy. We will share your message with drug developers.
Save up to 90% with equivalent drugs
- Discounts on drugs without a prescription requirement, including Men’s Health drugs.
- Discounts for sunscreen products in the summer.
- Discounts on baby food, condoms, patches and dressing material, cosmetics, supplements, milk enzymes, restorers and many other items.
We provide information and documentation valid for the purpose of deducting from the declaration of income of expenses incurred by the citizen for drugs, examinations and health aids. We will remind you of the possibility of deducting your expenses from the declaration by entering your tax code on the receipt. If you buy patches, syringes, thermometers, aerosols, sphygmomanometers, headbands, knee pads, anklets, dental hygiene products, pregnancy tests, you can deduct them from taxes! Come and visit us, we will be happy to suggest you how to save money on these products. It is a saving that is added to our advantageous offers with reduced prices on many of these items.
For items like therapeutic oxygen and ageing-related aids, it is of paramount importance to be delivered to customers’ door. If you are disabled or suffer from serious diseases that do not allow you to go to the pharmacy, we will bring you the drugs directly to your home. What to have in the small home pharmacy. What to have in the small home pharmacy when there is a child. We provide a list as a useful track to deal with small emergencies.
Traveler’s kit: what to take on a trip? The first aid kit with drugs to have on a vacation – and not only! Have you tried our after-sun milk? No desquamation after tanning!
You cannot find your drug in any pharmacy… do not stress, we find it for you! Through the help of software that we have purchased we are connected to thousand of drug providers. If the suppliers do not have availability, a pharmacy will certainly have it. We will take care of you looking for you by directing you from a close colleague or by obtaining it, allowing you to pick it up comfortably from us!
Our pharmacy provides detailed consultations and advice giving on drugs:
- How to use
- Interactions between drugs and foods
- For your health on your drugs
Take 3 minutes to ask 3 questions for 3 answers: what is it for? when do you take it? how do you store it? We will be happy to give you all the explanations that will help you.
Did you know that we also offer dietary and nutritional advice? Composition, energy value and vitamin content of foods, food consulting for specific needs. We give advice based on the test for food intolerances. Extremely reliable, thanks to the removal of some drops of capillary blood, one can identify the foods to which one is intolerant.
Thousands of products, including sweeteners, sun products, for personal hygiene, for impure skin, substitutive meals and nutritional supplements for sportsmen, analyzed and by experts, allowing you to choose the best product at lower price.